Grading is a process through which the condition of the collectible will be accessed like Centering, Edges, Corners, Surface etc. Having a Collectible graded will add more value to it.

A numberical value in the range 1-10 will be assigned to the collectible based the detected defects.

Users have to upload the Scanned or Camera Images. Currently, RushMint supports Sports Cards Grading.

Grader Types

RushMint supports Grader and PreGrader

Grader requires a properly Scanned image of Collectibles via a Scanner (1200 DPI recommended)

PreGrader accepts even a Mobile phone captured image.

Grader vs PreGrader

Grader will be more accurate than PreGrader as Scanning equipments produce better image quality when compared to mobile phone cameras. Better image quality is desired to properly detect the defects in the collectible.

PreGrader will be usefull in scenearioes where an approximate grading in enough ot when you are in a Collectible show where you dont have access to Scanners but you need to know somewhat approximate grade of the Collectible before buying it.

It is always advised to Grade the Card with Grader before making a promo with it.

Graded values can be added in promos which will get an edge over UnGraded Collectible.